646 ViewsWe all know that reducing, reusing and recycling are important steps in helping to protect our environment. But what about up cycling? Up cycling is the process of taking something old or discarded and…
How to Dispose of Turpentine?
496 ViewsTurpentine is a flammable and toxic solvent commonly used as a paint thinner, solvent, and cleaner. It is important to dispose of turpentine properly to avoid harm to the environment and human health. If…
Using A Dirty Bathroom? – 7 Ways to Clean Bathroom Easily
683 ViewsYou can’t deny that the bathroom is one of the most used rooms than any other room in your house. However, if left unattended, it quickly becomes dirty & unhygienic for health. But the…
Methods for Cleaning a Chimney
737 Views Let’s start by assuming that readers are already aware of the importance of keeping a chimney clean. A chimney fire can start when creosote and soot start building up in the lining. We’ll…
Covid Cleaning In Medical Centers: Best Practices to Prevent the Spread
1,515 Views The life after coronavirus came into existence turned too tough for everyone. It is really hard to see how this deadly virus is spreading its wings and infecting as many people as it…
5 things only professional cleaners can do
840 ViewsStaying on top of your home’s cleanliness can take a lot of effort, depending on your cleaning standard. While some may tolerate more chaos, if you’re part of the ones that are looking for…
Professional cleaning services are acquired huge popularity
1,010 ViewsToday cleaning services play a major role. You can’t even imagine how cleaning services are gained immense fame and name especially on behalf of housewives’ point of view. You know if you are staying…